Setup the Home Center location
In order to make your Fibaro Smart Home experience more responsive and intuitive, assigning a location to your Fibaro Home Center will really be helpful to you. With this you Home Center can keep a track of your date and time accurately to every second and respond according to the events of sunrise and sunset and thus help you set the specific lighting conditions for your Smart Home.
With the location settings, you can even know about the local weather conditions and decide to turn on/off your garden sprinklers accordingly. For e.g Not to water the garden when its already raining.
In order to set the location for your Home Center, click on the Configuration Tab and the Location in the menu on the left hand side.
Here just edit the details of your House Number, Time Zone, City, Temperature Unit, Wind Unit. Once you’re done with this don’t forget to save the information by clicking on the Save button on the right-side panel.
Permissions and Access Control
Once that you have learnt how to add devices to your Fibaro Home Center, you can assign others users the necessary permissions and controls to have access to your Fibaro Home Automation systems.
Once that you have completed the setup of Fibaro Home Center 2, the addition of new Users in Fibaro can be done in few quick simple steps:
- Open the Home Center 2 Interface
- Click on Configurations–>Access Control Panel. Here, you will be able to add and manage new users. [NOTE: For versions before 4.xx you will find the Access Control Panel in the Panels section instead of Configurations.]
- To create a new user click on “User” wherein you will get to see some options for that user.
- In the various options, go to the bottom and select “Edit Access Rights” for Devices and Scenes.
- A list of scenes and devices will appear. Click all the ones that you want to give access to.
- Save the Changes.
- To have a better idea, go to the official website and check the video.