
Know what it’s like to interact with home automation systems inside your home. The below use-cases are home automation recipes that run on the Internet and provide an extra-ordinary connected experience.

espn - lifx- Usecases - ifttt

“Flash team colour on LIFX lights when they score.”

alexa- hue- Usecases - ifttt

“Ask Alexa to trigger Party Mode”

Alexa- Harmony - Usecases - Ifttt

“Have Alexa turn off TV”

Text - Lifx - Usecases - Ifttt

“Flash your LIFX Lights When You Get a Text”

“Automatically turn off Philips hue lights at sunrise.”

Alarm - Hue - Usecases - Ifttt

“If it’s 6:00pm then turn on the Philips Hue lights.”

facebook - LifX - Use Cases - Ifttt

“Flash LIFX to blue when I’m tagged on Facebook.”

Hue- Usecases - ifttt

“Automatically turn on your Philips hue lights at sunset.”

Lifx- Usecases - ifttt

“Toggle my LIFX lights hourly to make my home look occupied.”

Hue - Usecases - Ifttt

“Make a grand entrance with Philips hue + IFTTT.”

Lifx - Usecases - Ifttt

“Leave an area,Turn LIFX bulb(s) off.”

Hue- Usecases - ifttt

“Make your hues dance at the party.”

Lifx- Usecases - ifttt

“Change color and brightness of LIFX lights.”

Hue - Usecases - Ifttt

“Turn Philips hue lights on with Siri.”

Lifx - Usecases - Ifttt

“Blink my LIFX lights when my phone battery is low.”

Hue- Usecases - ifttt

“If current condition changes to rain, then breathe LIFX lights to blue.”

Lifx- Usecases - ifttt

“If Amazon Echo’s Timer goes off, then blink LIFX lights.”

Hue - Usecases - Ifttt

“10:00pm update temperature for better sleep to approximately 3500K.”

Lifx - Usecases - Ifttt

“Loop my Philips hue through a rainbow of colors at sunset.”

Hue - Usecases - Ifttt

“10:00pm update temperature for better sleep to approximately 3500K.”

Hue- Usecases - ifttt

“Change colors of Philips hue lights to match new Instagram post.”

Lifx- Usecases - ifttt

“Blink my LIFX lights when someone mentions me on Twitter.”

Hue - Usecases - Ifttt

“If Facebook message is received, blink Philips hue lights.”

Lifx - Usecases - Ifttt

“LIFX lights breathe to announce you are almost home.”

Hue- Usecases - ifttt

“Wake Philips hue lights to the colors of roses on Valentine’s Day!”

Lifx- Usecases - ifttt

“When connected to home Wi-Fi, turn LIFX lights on.”

Hue - Usecases - Ifttt

“Turn your Philips hue to GREEN when Carbon Dioxide levels are in the ~Danger Zone~!”

Lifx - Usecases - Ifttt

“Change LIFX lights color when game starts.”

Hue- Usecases - ifttt

“If your Nest Protect detects a smoke alarm emergency then turn your Philips hue lights on.”

Lifx- Usecases - ifttt

“Turn LIFX lights off when Nest is set to away.”

Hue - Usecases - Ifttt

“Tell Siri which color to change your Philips hue lights to.”

Lifx - Usecases - Ifttt

“If a carbon monoxide emergency is detected then turn LIFX lights to bright RED.”

Hue- Usecases - ifttt

“Tweet to turn your LIFX lights ON.”

Lifx- Usecases - ifttt

“When your car comes home, your Philips hue lights will come on.”

Hue - Usecases - Ifttt

“Visual Warning if your Ring doorbell detects motion, flash LIFX Bulbs RED.”

Lifx - Usecases - Ifttt

“If I go to bed turn off Philips hue lights.”

Hue- Usecases - ifttt

“Match your Philips hue lights to your photo.”

Lifx- Usecases - ifttt

“Blink your LIFX lights if missed a call.”

Hue - Usecases - Ifttt

“Time to sleep, blink all Philips hue lights at 23.30.”

Lifx - Usecases - Ifttt

“On reminder completion, LIFX light(s) breathe color.”

“Log door openings to a spreadsheet.”

“Make your phone ring when your Echo Alarm goes off.”

“Turn Off a Light When It’s Daylight.”

“Turn Off a Light When It’s Daylight.”

“Turn on Hue Lights when SmartThings detects that you’ve arrived home.”

“Log the times I have visitors to a daily digest.”

“When there’s motion at my doorbell, mark it in Google Calendar.”

“Call me if the liquor cabinet opens!”

“Get a call when your alarm is activated.”

“Alexa Tells Smarthings To Lock Front Door.”

“Ring Doorbell Motion blinks Hue Lights.”

“Switch on Smarthings device when doorbell pressed.”

“Ring Doorbell Motion blinks Hue Lights.”

“Presence Control (arrival).”

“Play doorbell sound when your front doorbell is rung.”

“Nest Protect triggers Smartthings Door Unlock.”

“Turn on an interior light when the doorbell rings.”

“Lock the door when I am away.”

“Play a spoken notification when someone is at the door.”

“Leaving the house? Make sure the front door is locked.”

“When I add something to my Amazon Echo shopping list, add it to my iOS Reminders as well.”

“Have Alexa email you your shopping list.”

“Add your new Alexa To Dos to Todoist.”

“Add any item to your to do list and Alexa will adjust your temperature using Nest.”

“Turn on your TV using your Amazon Alexa to-do list.”

“Add Amazon Echo To-Do to Google Calendar.”

“Have Alexa call your phone to find it.”

“Make your phone ring when your Echo Alarm goes off.”

“Use Alexa to set your temperature.”

“Turn off TV with your voice.”

“Flash your LIFX Lights When You Get a Text.”

“Change the color of your lights each time a new song plays on Echo.”

“Alexa Timer to Phone Alarm.”

“Alexa ‘trigger text my wife I love you’ “

“Alexa ‘trigger unsilence my phone’ “

“‘Alexa, trigger lights to blue –”

“Alexa Tells Smarthings To Lock Front Door.”

“Receive a notification when your Echo Alarm goes off.”

“Add a sports game to your Google Calendar when you ask Alexa when your team plays next.”

“Tweet the songs you’re listening to on Echo.”

“Dim the lights when you play music on Echo.”

“Use Alexa to record video of your front door with Skybell HD.”

“Tell Amazon Alexa (Echo) to Set Nest temperature.”

“Alexa Turn ON Sonos Speaker.”

“Alexa turn off Sonos speaker.”

“Say ‘Alexa Trigger, TV’ to voice command Logitech Harmony to start TV and Surround activity”

“Listen to Sonos”

“Say ‘Alexa Trigger, TV off’ to voice command Logitech Harmony to turn all activity devices off.”

“If You say ‘Alexa trigger Music now’, then Switch on Bedroom Sonos#musicnow”

“Trigger Logitech Harmony to watch a movie.”

“If You say ‘Alexa trigger house party’, then turn on Sonos through SmartThings#houseparty”

“IF you send IFTT an e-mail with a hashtag, then launch a Logitech Harmony activity”

“Play your team’s fight song via Sonos when a new game starts”

“Use Amazon Echo to turn on TV and cable TV through Logitech Harmony”

“E-mails trigger text to speech through Sonos (via DropBox).”

“Use Amazon Echo to turn off TV, cableTV and reciever through Logitech Harmony”

“Pause Sonos when leaving home.”

“Wake me up by fading on my LIFX lights.”

“Turn Off a Light When It’s Daylight.”

“Dim my lights to a golden glow when the sun sets.”

“Turn on Hue Lights when SmartThings detects that you’ve arrived home.”

“Trigger Logitech Harmony to watch a movie.”

“IF you send IFTT an e-mail with a hashtag, then launch a Logitech Harmony activity”

“Rainy? Turn on my outside lights!”

“Turn on TV with Echo SmartThings & Harmony”

“Alexa trigger for Lifx lights on”

“Use Amazon Echo to turn on TV and cable TV through Logitech Harmony”

“Every hour, randomize my hue lights.”

“Blink(1) whenever someone opens the door.”

“Use Amazon Echo to turn off TV, cableTV and reciever through Logitech Harmony”

“Turn off all of your lights every day at midnight.”

“Tweet to turn your lights ON.”

“Turn on night light at bedtime.”

“If your Nest Thermostat rises above ___° then get a notification”

“If your Nest Thermostat drops below ___° then get a notification”

“When you exit a specific area set your Nest Thermostat to ___ degrees.”

“When you’re near home your thermostat will automatically set.”

“If the temperature outside drops below ___° then set your Nest Thermostat to ___°”

“Add any item to your to do list and Alexa will adjust your temperature using Nest.”

“Every day at __:__ set the temperature to ___°”

“At sunset turn your fan on for 15 minutes.”

“When I leave home, adjust my thermostat.”

“If your Nest Thermostat drops below ___° then change your Philips hues to blue.”
