Shipping Policy
At Smartify, we believe in delivering a hassle-free shopping experience. That’s the reason we have in place a customer-friendly shipping policy, which is applicable for all products that get purchased online through our shop. From delivering your order on time to ensuring that you never have to pay for the wrong item, we have got it all covered. It’s recommended that you read the shipping policy and understand the terms, before placing your order.
- All products listed on our store are entitled for FREE delivery.
- The final product price includes GST and other taxes.
- The estimated delivery time may sometimes vary in case there are weekends/public holidays in between.
- In case you buy any of our packages, the products are shipped to your doorstep and the installation will be provided on an appointment basis.
- In case you are not satisfied with our products under our free trial program, you can return the product back to us, if the following conditions are met:
- You should return the item within seven days after you receive it.
- You should provide your original ID and email address.
- The product(s) received should be undamaged and in its original condition.
- The deposit amount would be returned, once the goods are received in A-ok condition.
- It will be the responsibility of the customers for the risk or loss of damage to the product at their end, during the time of return.
- To issue the refund/return a product, contact us at with the following information:
- Order ID
- Email address
- Reason
- After you send the details, we would verify the transaction, and once our technical team confirms the reception of the product in good condition, we would initiate your refund through Cheque/Bank-Transfer. You would be contacted by our support team for procuring the required details, or you can directly shoot us a mail with Subject as: <Your-Order-ID> + <Payment Details>.
- Any item returned after the free trial period will not be accepted.
- If the serial number or tag containing crucial details like barcode etc. is missing or found to be tampered, the products will not be accepted for returns.
These Terms of Sale and the relationship between you and us shall be governed in accordance with the laws of India without reference to conflict of laws principles.
You agree that all claims, differences and disputes arising under or in connection with or in relation to the Terms of Sale or any transactions entered into on or through the website or relationship between you and AutoDeus Technologies Private Limited (“Smartify”) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at Ahmedabad and you hereby accede to and accept the jurisdiction of such courts.
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If you still have some questions, please feel free to reach us. We would love to help you out!