Schedule your FREE demo now!

or view our pricing plans.

What’s included in the free trial?

  • icon_spacer-vflN3BYt2Full access to our kits*
  • icon_spacer-vflN3BYt2Unlimited usability
  • icon_spacer-vflN3BYt2Free demo at your place
  • icon_spacer-vflN3BYt2Personalized setup
  • icon_spacer-vflN3BYt2Unlimited scenes & schedules
  • icon_spacer-vflN3BYt2Get expert consultationicon_spacer-vflN3BYt2
  • icon_spacer-vflN3BYt2Zero processing charges

*Due to heavy rush and in-house occupancy, kits are subject to availability. We strongly recommend reading our Terms and Conditions before applying.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which products are provided in the FREE demo kit?

You can choose to try any of the available packages as part of the FREE trial. However, kits are subject to in-house occupancy and constant circulation, which means we won’t be able to service your request on an immediate-basis. Every request would be entertained on a FIFO (First-In-First-Out) basis.

Can I select the products that I wish to try?
Sure. You can let us know your preferences in the signup form.


Do I have to pay for the kit in advance?
No. There are no charges for setting up the kit or using it in your home during the demo period (1-2 hours).
Can I use products during the FREE demo and decide to buy at a later point?
Sure. You are under no obligation to buy the product after the FREE demo ends.


Can I apply for a FREE demo twice?

Please note that every customer is entitled to a FREE demo only once. We highly recommend you to read our Terms and Conditions before applying.

[Note: We consider a customer unique, when they have a distinct set of identity [i.e unique combination of name, number, email, and personal address.]

What happens if the kits are not available?
We put you in our wait-list and would call you up whenever they’re available. In case you’re flexible with kits that have similar functionality, we provide an alternate demo.


Still Have Questions?

No problem. Feel free to drop us a line anytime, and we’ll get back to you.
