Ring Wi-Fi Enabled Chime Pro EU
Boost your Wi-Fi and extend the range of your Ring Doorbell
Ring Wi-Fi Enabled Chime Pro is a Wi-Fi extender which is designed to stretch the Wi-Fi signals from your router to your Rings devices, eliminating the dead zones and letting you capture all the activities that take place around your house.
The in-built speaker lets you amplify your Ring notifications; and helps you never miss an alert even when you’re not near your phone. This feature also lets you control volume and choose your favorite alert tone. The Do Not Disturb feature permits you to disable alerts; and get notified only when you want.
Ring Wi-Fi Enabled Chime Pro will support all your Ring video doorbells and security cameras. Its brilliant LEDs feature indicates when your device is connected, connecting, offline or is updating the software. Blue LEDs illuminate steadily to indicate normal operation and pulse when in setup mode.
This white, high gloss finished, Wi-Fi enabled Chime Pro by Ring is super easy to install and only needs a few minutes setup. To install your Chime you just need to simply plug it into your wall socket and connect it with your Ring application to start getting notifications.
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Extend your Wi-Fi and connect Chime with all your Ring Devices. The in-built Wi-Fi extender in your Ring Chime Pro will help you stretch your router’s signals to have an easy access to notifications; eliminating all the dead zones in your house even when you’re not online and lets you capture videos in high definition. |
Amplify the Chime alerts. The built-in speakers amplifies your Chime alerts that make you never miss a notification; even when you’re away from your phone. This feature lets you control the volume and choose from the wide variety of alert tones. |
Snooze Chime The Do Not Disturb feature will help you disable the audio alerts whenever you want to have a quiet and peaceful time. |
Easy Plug-and-Play Setup Ring’s Wi-Fi Enabled Chime Pro can be easily installed by just being plugged into a standard socket and synced to the app. Chime Pro is compatible with iOS, Android, Mac and windows 10 devices. Click here to download the Ring Chime Pro Installation Manual. |
Warranty Ring Wi-Fi Enabled Chime Pro comes with 1-year of warranty which protects it from any manufacturing defects. |